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It is a cooperative game where players work together to defend their city from a horde of rampaging monsters known as Alpha Beasts.
In "Alpha Beasts Attack," players take on the roles of brave heroes, each with unique abilities and strengths, who must coordinate their actions to fend off the invading Alpha Beasts and protect the city. The game components include a game board representing the city, player tokens representing the heroes, cards representing the Alpha Beasts and their attacks, and various tokens representing resources and obstacles.
The game is played over a series of rounds, each consisting of several phases:
Deployment Phase: Players strategically position their hero tokens on the game board, preparing to confront the incoming Alpha Beasts.
Action Phase: Players take turns performing actions such as moving, attacking, using special abilities, and interacting with the environment. They must work together to defeat the Alpha Beasts and prevent them from destroying the city.
Alpha Beast Phase: The Alpha Beasts advance towards the city and unleash their devastating attacks, causing destruction and chaos. Players must defend against these attacks and minimize the damage to the city.
Cleanup Phase: Players assess the damage to the city, replenish resources, and prepare for the next round of combat.
The game continues until either the heroes successfully defeat all the Alpha Beasts and save the city, or the city is overrun and destroyed by the relentless onslaught of the monsters.
"Alpha Beasts Attack" is known for its cooperative gameplay, strategic depth, and thematic immersion. It offers players a challenging and action-packed experience as they work together to overcome powerful enemies and protect the city from destruction. With its engaging mechanics and dynamic gameplay, "Alpha Beasts Attack" is a thrilling choice for fans of cooperative board games and monster-themed adventures.

Alpha Beasts Attack

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