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The game is named after the medieval fortress town of Carcassonne in southern France, which is famous for its well-preserved city walls and historic architecture.
In "Carcassonne," players take turns drawing and placing tiles representing various landscape features, such as cities, roads, fields, and monasteries, to construct the countryside around the city of Carcassonne. The game components include a set of tiles, each depicting a section of landscape, and wooden tokens representing followers or "meeples."
The gameplay of "Carcassonne" revolves around strategic tile placement and area control. Players score points by claiming features on the tiles with their followers, such as completing cities, roads, or monasteries, and by expanding their influence over the landscape.
The game offers multiple strategies for players to pursue, including focusing on completing large cities for big point bonuses, controlling valuable road networks, or dominating the expansive fields. Additionally, players must carefully manage their followers and choose when to deploy them strategically for maximum impact.
"Carcassonne" is known for its accessible rules, elegant gameplay, and high replayability. It accommodates 2 to 5 players and typically lasts around 30 to 45 minutes. With its modular board and random tile drawing, each game of "Carcassonne" offers a unique and dynamic experience, making it a classic in the world of modern board gaming. The game has also spawned numerous expansions and spin-offs, further expanding the possibilities and depth of gameplay.



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