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Players take on the roles of different characters, each with their own special abilities, as they compete to construct the most impressive city. In "Citadels," players take turns selecting roles such as the King, Assassin, Thief, Magician, and others, each of which grants special abilities and advantages. Players use these abilities to gather resources, build districts, and hinder their opponents' progress. The game features a blend of strategy, bluffing, and interaction as players attempt to anticipate their opponents' moves while furthering their own plans.The game's modular design allows for variability in gameplay, with different characters and strategies coming into play in each game. "Citadels" is known for its depth of gameplay despite its relatively simple rules, making it a favorite among both casual gamers and strategy enthusiasts. It accommodates a wide range of player counts and offers high replay value, ensuring that each game is a fresh and engaging experience.



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