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In "Contraband Insider," players take on the roles of merchants trading goods in a bustling marketplace, but some players secretly harbor contraband items. The game components include a deck of cards representing various goods, contraband items, and characters with special abilities.
The gameplay of "Contraband Insider" revolves around negotiation, deduction, and bluffing. Each round, players take turns performing actions such as trading goods, inspecting shipments, and using special abilities.
However, some players secretly possess contraband items and must deceive others to avoid detection. These players must carefully choose when to smuggle contraband and when to play it safe, as suspicion can quickly turn against them.
Throughout the game, players must deduce who the insiders are among them while also trying to advance their own interests. The game ends when a certain number of rounds have been played, or when a player successfully accumulates enough wealth through trading legitimate goods or smuggling contraband.
"Contraband Insider" is known for its engaging social interaction, strategic decision-making, and tense moments of deduction and deception. It offers a dynamic and immersive experience that rewards cunning and clever negotiation skills. With its accessible rules and fast-paced gameplay, "Contraband Insider" is a great choice for game nights and gatherings with friends and family.

Contraband Insider


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