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In this game, players compete to grab the correct object from the table based on specific criteria, such as color or shape.
The game components include a set of colorful objects: a white ghost, a red chair, a green bottle, a blue book, and a gray mouse. Additionally, there is a deck of cards, each depicting a specific combination of objects. The cards dictate the criteria for which players must search.
Players take turns flipping over cards from the deck. Each card reveals a combination of objects, and players must quickly identify which object on the table matches the criteria shown on the card. The catch is that the objects may not always match the criteria exactly; for example, if the card shows a red object, players must grab the only red object on the table. However, if the card shows a ghost or a mouse, players must grab the object that does not appear on the card.
The first player to correctly grab the correct object scores the card. At the end of the game, the player with the most cards wins.

Geistes Blitz



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