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In this game, players work together in teams to interpret and communicate abstract art pieces to one another.
The game components include a deck of art cards, each featuring a unique and abstract illustration, as well as inspiration tokens and scoring tokens. Players split into teams, with one player from each team taking on the role of the Muse for a round.
During each round, the Muse secretly selects a card from the deck and chooses a clue from a set of clue cards. The Muse then provides a clue to their teammates, who must interpret the clue and try to guess which art card the Muse selected based on their interpretation.
Teammates can discuss and collaborate to come up with their guesses, but they must be mindful of the limited number of guesses they're allowed per round. Once all guesses have been made, the Muse reveals the selected art card, and teams earn points based on the accuracy of their guesses.
"Muse" encourages creativity, imagination, and communication skills as players work together to interpret abstract art and convey their ideas to their teammates. The game's vibrant artwork and open-ended gameplay make it a visually appealing and engaging experience for players of all ages.



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