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It is part of the "One Night Ultimate" series, which includes games like "One Night Ultimate Werewolf" and "One Night Ultimate Alien."
In "One Night Ultimate Vampire," players take on the roles of various characters living in a village, some of whom may secretly be vampires. The game is played over a single night phase, during which players use their unique abilities to gather information, deduce the identities of other players, and ultimately determine who the vampires are.
The game components include character cards representing different roles, a free companion app that guides gameplay and provides narration, and a central game board to organize the characters and keep track of the game phases.
At the start of the game, each player receives a character card, which they look at secretly. Some players may be vampires, while others may be villagers or special characters with unique abilities.
The game proceeds through a series of night phases, during which players close their eyes and take turns performing actions based on their roles. For example, vampires may secretly wake up and bite other players to turn them into vampires, while villagers may investigate other players or protect themselves from vampire attacks.
After the night phase ends, players engage in a single round of discussion and debate, trying to piece together what happened during the night and identify the vampires. At the end of the round, players vote on who they believe the vampires are. If the vampires are correctly identified, the villagers win; if not, the vampires win.

One Night Ultimate Vampire


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