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It's a humorous and lighthearted game where players compete to be the last one standing by attacking each other's organs while defending their own.
The game components include a deck of organ cards, attack cards, and special action cards. Each player starts with a hand of organ cards representing different body parts, such as the heart, brain, lungs, and liver.
Players take turns playing attack cards to target each other's organs and defense cards to protect their own organs. The goal is to eliminate opponents by causing their organs to fail while keeping your own organs healthy.
The attack cards feature humorous illustrations and descriptions of various ailments and conditions that can affect the organs, such as "Heartburn," "Brain Freeze," or "Kidney Stones." Defense cards provide remedies or treatments to counteract the attacks, such as "Antacid," "Ice Pack," or "Painkiller."
The game also includes special action cards that allow players to perform additional actions, such as stealing organs from opponents, skipping turns, or forcing opponents to discard cards.

Organ Attack


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