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It's often associated with role-playing games (RPGs) where players create characters and embark on quests to accomplish goals, defeat enemies, and explore fantastical worlds.
In RPGs like "Dungeons & Dragons," "Pathfinder," or "Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay," quests are central to the gameplay experience. Players, often guided by a game master (GM) or dungeon master (DM), take on the roles of heroes or adventurers who accept quests from non-player characters (NPCs) or quest givers. These quests can range from simple tasks like delivering a message or retrieving an item to epic adventures involving dungeon exploration, monster slaying, and world-saving quests.
In board games and card games, quests can also feature prominently, though they may be structured differently. Games like "Gloomhaven," "Descent: Journeys in the Dark," or "Arkham Horror: The Card Game" incorporate quest-like scenarios where players work together to achieve specific objectives, such as completing a series of challenges, uncovering a mystery, or defeating a powerful adversary.
Overall, the concept of a quest adds narrative depth and thematic richness to many tabletop games, providing players with a sense of purpose and adventure as they explore imaginary worlds, overcome obstacles, and strive to achieve their goals.



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