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In this game, players compete to be the first to successfully bluff their opponents and win a certain number of tricks without revealing the "skull" card.
The game components include a set of round cards, with each card featuring either a flower (rose) or a skull symbol on one side. Players also receive a set of "bidding" cards, which they use to place their bets on how many tricks they can win.
To start the game, each player receives an equal number of round cards and bidding cards. Players secretly select one card from their hand to place face-down in front of them, representing their bid for the round. Once all players have placed their bids, the round begins.
During each round, players take turns either placing a round card face-down or making a bid. The goal is to either successfully bid on and win a certain number of tricks without revealing a skull card or to successfully bluff opponents into bidding higher than they can achieve.
If a player successfully wins the required number of tricks without revealing a skull card, they score a point. However, if a player reveals a skull card during a trick they've bid on, they lose one of their bidding cards and are one step closer to being eliminated from the game.
The game continues until one player successfully scores a certain number of points, depending on the number of players in the game.



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