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In this game, players take on the roles of hungry chameleons trying to catch as many tasty bugs as possible using their sticky tongues.
The game components include a game board featuring a tree with branches, a set of colorful sticky tongues (made of soft, silicone-like material), and a variety of bug tokens representing different types of insects.
To start the game, bug tokens are scattered across the branches of the tree on the game board. Each player takes control of a sticky tongue and positions their chameleon pawn at the base of the tree.
During each round, players simultaneously flick their sticky tongues to catch bugs of their color by landing their tongues on the corresponding bug tokens. The soft, sticky material of the tongues allows them to adhere to the bugs and pull them back to the player's chameleon pawn.
Players must be careful not to catch bugs of other players' colors, as doing so penalizes them by forcing them to discard a caught bug of their own color. The game continues until all bugs have been caught from the tree.
At the end of the game, players count up the bugs they've collected, and the player with the most bugs of their color wins the game.

Sticky Chameleons


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