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It combines elements of drawing games and the classic game of Telephone (also known as Chinese Whispers). It's a hilarious and engaging game that's perfect for groups of friends or family gatherings.
The game components include a set of erasable sketchbooks, dry-erase markers, and a deck of "Telestrations" cards. Each card contains a secret word or phrase that players will either draw or describe.
To start the game, players sit in a circle and each receives a sketchbook, a marker, and a card. They write down a word or phrase based on the card they received, keeping it secret from the other players. Once everyone has written down their word or phrase, they pass their sketchbook to the player on their left.
The next step involves a timed round where players quickly sketch the word or phrase they received in their new sketchbook. Once the time is up, players pass the sketchbooks to the left again.
Now, players must guess what the previous drawing represents based on the sketch they see in the sketchbook they've just received. They write down their guess on the next page of the sketchbook and pass it along.
This process continues until all players have had a chance to draw and guess multiple times. Finally, players gather around to share their original word or phrase, as well as the sequence of sketches and guesses that followed. Hilarity ensues as players see how the original word or phrase has evolved and transformed through the interpretations of each player.
"Telestrations" is known for its simplicity, creativity, and laughter-inducing moments. It's a game that fosters creativity, communication, and laughter, making it a hit at parties and social gatherings. With its easy-to-understand rules and fast-paced gameplay, "Telestrations" is accessible to players of all ages and skill levels, ensuring a fun and memorable gaming experience every time.



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