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In this game, players take on the roles of corporations working together to terraform the planet Mars and make it habitable for human colonization.
The game is set in the 2400s, where corporations compete to transform Mars by raising the planet's temperature, creating oceans, and generating oxygen to create a sustainable atmosphere. Players achieve these goals by playing various cards representing projects, technologies, and infrastructure developments.
The game components include a game board representing Mars, player boards representing the corporations, resource tokens, and a deck of cards representing different projects and actions.
Players start the game with a hand of cards and a set of resources, including money, energy, steel, and plants. On their turn, players can play cards from their hand to undertake various actions such as building infrastructure, advancing technology, or increasing Mars' terraforming parameters.
As the game progresses, players strategically manage their resources and invest in projects to generate income, increase their terraforming capabilities, and earn victory points. Victory points are awarded for achieving milestones, completing awards, and contributing to the terraforming effort.
The game continues until one or more of the terraforming parameters (temperature, oxygen level, and ocean coverage) reach their target levels, signaling the end of the terraforming process. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game is declared the winner.
"Terraforming Mars" is known for its deep strategic gameplay, thematic immersion, and replayability. It offers a rich and immersive experience as players compete to shape the future of humanity on the Red Planet. With its complex decision-making, resource management, and engine-building mechanics, "Terraforming Mars" appeals to gamers who enjoy deep strategy games with a science fiction theme.

Terraforming Mars


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