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It is a deduction and hidden movement game set in London during the infamous Jack the Ripper murders.
In "Whitehall Mystery," one player takes on the role of Jack the Ripper, while the other players collectively control the investigators trying to apprehend him. The game components include a game board representing the streets of Whitehall and the surrounding areas of London, player pieces representing the investigators, and cards representing Jack's movements and potential murder locations.
The game is played over a series of rounds, with each round consisting of two phases: the Movement Phase and the Investigation Phase.
During the Movement Phase, Jack secretly chooses a location on the board to move to, while the investigators try to deduce his location based on clues and information gathered from previous rounds.
During the Investigation Phase, the investigators take turns moving their pieces around the board, searching for clues and attempting to corner Jack. They may also use special abilities and actions to gather information or hinder Jack's movements.
The game continues until Jack is either captured by the investigators or manages to evade capture until the end of the game. Jack wins by successfully avoiding capture for a set number of rounds, while the investigators win by correctly deducing Jack's location and apprehending him.
"Whitehall Mystery" is known for its tense and immersive gameplay, as players must carefully balance risk-taking and deduction to outwit their opponents. With its thematic setting, strategic depth, and engaging mechanics, "Whitehall Mystery" offers a thrilling experience for fans of deduction and hidden movement games.

White Hall


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