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It is a strategy game focused on bird watching and bird conservation, where players compete to attract a diverse array of birds to their wildlife preserves.
The game components include a game board representing different habitats, player boards representing individual wildlife preserves, cards representing bird species, food tokens, egg tokens, and action cubes.
To start the game, players each receive a player board representing their wildlife preserve and a starting hand of bird cards. The game is played over a series of rounds, each consisting of four phases:
Bird Feeding Phase: Players take turns placing food tokens on the bird feeder tray, which determines the available food options for attracting birds later in the round.
Action Phase: Players take turns selecting actions to perform, such as attracting new birds to their preserve, laying eggs, or collecting food resources. Each action requires the expenditure of action cubes, which are limited each round.
Bird Activation Phase: Players activate the abilities of the birds in their preserve, which may provide additional resources, trigger special effects, or earn points.
End-of-Round Phase: Players gain new bird cards from a central deck, discard excess food tokens, and prepare for the next round.
Throughout the game, players strategically select birds to attract to their preserve based on their habitat requirements, special abilities, and point values. They must manage their resources efficiently and adapt their strategies to the changing conditions of the game.
"Wingspan" is known for its beautiful artwork, thematic immersion, and strategic depth. It offers a blend of engine-building, resource management, and tableau-building mechanics that appeal to both bird enthusiasts and board game enthusiasts alike. With its accessible rules and engaging gameplay, "Wingspan" has garnered widespread acclaim and won numerous awards since its release, making it a modern classic in the world of board gaming.



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